5 Things You Can Do to Impress The Board Members In Your Law Firm

Presenting to your law firm board members can prove quite daunting since it is an opportunity to show your knowledge and leadership qualities. However, you can impress them and win their respect by following these simple tips.

Whether you need to offer your expertise on a legal issue, propose a new direction for the law firm, or tell them about a new client with promising billable hours, context is essential. Therefore, you definitely must not start your proposal by touching on the day’s political issues or telling a few tasteless jokes.

The board members of your law firm are its decision-making body, so follow these five tips on how to impress them immediately by getting things right:

Come Prepared to Be Brief

Your boss might tell you that you have half an hour to present your proposal, but note that boards don’t often meet. They have so many points to discuss when they meet that a shorter strategic discussion is usually most appreciated. Imagine your panic if you have prepared a 30-minute proposal, only to be told that you have 10 minutes to present it.

If no time limit is mentioned, the board might appreciate it if you ask how they prefer you present – the whole proposal or its shorter form. Many boards prefer to receive documents in advance to review them beforehand. If your board does want them earlier, make sure they get them at least four days before.

Therefore, go prepared with an excellent high-level proposal that requires no more than five minutes to tell. Make it clear and concise, and instead, be prepared with the answers to questions they will ask after your presentation. Being brief and organized is a significant way to make a powerful impression.

Create a Compelling and Interesting Picture

Use an elevator pitch or short statement at the beginning of your presentation to get your key point across. The ideal way to prepare a big idea is to use about 25 words to introduce your proposal and its benefits to the law firm. These words must spark an immediate interest in your vision in a way that will remain memorable and easy to repeat to others.

Don’t Let Interruptions Faze You

Anticipate interruptions during your speech. Practice your address by learning the key phrases, so if someone does interrupt with a question, you can answer it and quickly find where you left off. Always respond directly to someone with a question clearly and concisely.

If you aren’t sure about the answer to a question, don’t fake it, and don’t get defensive. Instead, tell the board that you will have a response to the question promptly after the meeting.

Understand The Law Firm History

Research is an essential part of your legal career, so don’t omit to do your due diligence before presenting your idea to the board members. Know the history of your law firm, learn about the board members, and research all the current trends in the legal industry. This information can help you tailor your presentation, ensuring that your proposal does not conflict with the firm’s or a board member’s interests. Also, avoid making the mistake of presenting information that is already common knowledge in the firm. You will bore everyone to the point where they switch off, wasting everybody’s time.

Make the Perfect Presentation and Departure

You don’t need to commit the whole presentation to memory; otherwise, it will sound forced. Instead, practice it out loud and memorize just a few key phrases to come across as confident and knowledgeable when you present. You can also record your practice sessions to see which areas you need to improve. The better you prepare for the presentation to the board, the less anxiety you will feel. When you present with confidence, you make a better impression than if you appear nervous.

Additionally, during the presentation, you need to state the options clearly, both at the beginning and end, to facilitate the required decisions. Finally, don’t hover in the room once you complete the presentation. Instead, thank the board, and unless asked to wait, leave the room.

Final Comments

Impressing experienced board members might appear complicated, but it is less challenging than you feared if you follow the tips above. There are also some things that you should never do when presenting to the board. These include grumbling about waiting outside if the meeting is running late, pitching for something other than your topic, and using common jargon or trendy words. Finally, avoid bias and airing of political views. These things will tarnish your presentation and reputation, so avoid them if you want to impress.