January is Divorce Month: Surviving Separation

With the dawn of a new year comes another divorce month. January is the peak time for divorce filings and, thus, has been given this dubious nickname. There are a lot of reasons why couples decide to separate after the holidays and, therefore, there are a number of ways families can cope as well.

While some people may balk at the idea of calling January “divorce month,” research supports this nickname. Scholars from major universities have conducted studies all over the country. These studies have found that divorce filings do, in fact, rise during January. So why is this the case? Why do divorce filings peak after the holidays?

There are a few reasons why. First, the winter and summer holidays are critical times in this country. Families with children often want to avoid filing for divorce during any time that might be seen as “inappropriate.” For parents going through a divorce, one of the few things they can agree on is that their children are the top priority. Therefore, they want to file for divorce at a time that is “right” for them, if there is such a thing. In other cases, couples may want to use the holidays to try to patch things up one last time. When this falls through, they decide to file for divorce. These are only a few reasons why couples tend to separate just after the holidays, leading to the spike in January.

To survive separation, there are a few tips to consider. First, separation may arise out of holiday stress. It is important to look at the situation with clear eyes and an open mind once the stress of the holidays starts to subside. The separation might have been premature once people take the time to sit, think, and determine if there is anything left in the relationship worth salvaging. If, after this, both parties decide it is time to move in, then the divorce proceedings can commence.

During the process of separation, it is important to not hesitate in asking for help. Seeking support from a therapist, a support group, or even an attorney can help individuals think positively during this challenging time. Everyone deserves to receive help and support. Many firms adopt a holistic approach towards divorce and emphasize collaborative methods.

Finally, do not forget to ask a trained divorce attorney for help reaching parenting and financial goals. It will be essential to think about tax implications and the lives of the kids during the time period of separation. Nobody should ever have to go through this challenging situation by themselves. There is always someone willing to lend a helping hand.