Get the Facts on How Long an Uncontested Divorce Really Takes

An uncontested divorce, a straightforward process compared to a contested divorce, involves both parties agreeing upon the terms without needing a lengthy court battle. However, the expediency of this process often leads couples to wonder, “How long does an uncontested divorce take?” In this article, we aim to provide some insight into the factors that can affect the duration of an uncontested divorce.

The timeline for an uncontested divorce varies based on several factors, such as the jurisdiction, the court’s backlog, and the parties’ responsiveness. On average, an uncontested divorce can typically be finalized within a few months. However, it is essential to note that each case is unique and specific circumstances may lead to shorter or longer durations.

Both parties must communicate effectively and cooperate throughout the procedure for a smoother and faster process. By understanding the factors that influence the timeline of an uncontested divorce, couples can make an informed decision and navigate this challenging life event more efficiently.

Understanding Uncontested Divorce

Uncontested Vs. Contested Divorce

An uncontested divorce is when both spouses agree on all aspects of the divorce, including property division and parental responsibilities. This contrasts with a contested divorce, where spouses cannot reach an agreement and require the court’s intervention to decide. Uncontested divorces are generally faster and less costly than contested ones, as they typically do not require lengthy court proceedings or negotiations.

Irreconcilable Differences

In most cases, the reason for an uncontested divorce is “irreconcilable differences.” This means the couple can no longer remain married and has decided there is no hope for resolution. It must be noted that filing for an uncontested divorce does not require the couple to blame each other or provide specific reasons for the divorce, unlike contested divorces where a reason such as adultery, abandonment, or cruelty may be required.

Agreement on Property Division

A vital aspect of an uncontested divorce is that both parties must agree on dividing marital assets and debts. This includes property, financial assets, and other shared resources acquired during the marriage. Couples must work together to create a fair and equitable distribution of their assets. Some factors that may be considered in the division of property include:

  • Duration of the marriage
  • Each spouse’s income and earning capacity
  • Contributions made to the marriage
  • Retirement plans and benefits

When both parties agree on property division, it is documented in a legal document called a “Marital Settlement Agreement.” This document is submitted to the court as part of the uncontested divorce process.

In summary, an uncontested divorce is a streamlined and cost-effective option for couples who can agree on all divorce-related matters. By understanding the differences between contested and uncontested divorces and being aware of the necessary agreement on property division, couples can decide on the best approach to ending their marriage.

Requirements for Uncontested Divorce

Grounds for Divorce

In an uncontested divorce, both parties agree on the terms of their separation. This requires selecting a reason for the dissolution of their marriage. Most states allow for no-fault divorce, where the couple can state they have irreconcilable or incompatible differences. Some states also have fault-based grounds, such as adultery, abandonment, or abuse, but they are not required in uncontested cases.

Residency Requirement

To file for an uncontested divorce, at least one of the spouses must meet their state’s residency requirements. This typically means they have to live in the state for a certain period before filing. Residency requirements vary by state, ranging from a few months to several years. For example:

State Residency Requirement
Georgia Six months
California Six months
Texas 6 months
New York 1 year

It’s crucial to ensure the residency requirements are met before filing to avoid legal complications.

Mandatory Waiting Period

In addition to residency, many states impose a mandatory waiting period for couples hoping to obtain an uncontested divorce. This waiting period allows the couple to reconsider their decision and ensure they truly want to pursue a divorce. The waiting period varies by state and can range from no waiting period to six months or even longer in some cases. For example:

  • Alabama: 30 days
  • Arizona: 60 days
  • Arkansas: No waiting period for no-fault divorce
  • Vermont: 6 months

Couples should be aware of the waiting period in their state when considering an uncontested divorce, as it may influence their timeline for finalizing their separation.

The Uncontested Divorce Process

Filing the Divorce Petition

In an uncontested divorce, one spouse initiates the process by filing the divorce petition. This document outlines their desire to end the marriage. It includes relevant information such as the grounds for divorce and the couple’s agreement on the division of assets, debt, child custody, and support. The other spouse then receives the petition and has the opportunity to respond.

Child Custody and Support

For couples with children, addressing child custody and support is essential to the uncontested divorce process. Both parties must agree on custody, visitation rights, and child support. This agreement should prioritize the children’s best interests and ensure their needs are met.

  • Custody: can be joint, shared, or sole
  • Visitation: specifies when and how the non-custodial parent can spend time with the children.
  • Child support: calculated based on each parent’s income and the children’s needs

Spousal Support and Alimony

Spousal support or alimony may be applicable depending on the marriage’s circumstances and each spouse’s financial situation. In an uncontested divorce, the couple will agree on whether or not spousal support is necessary and the amount to be paid. Factors to consider include:

  • Length of the marriage
  • Education and earning potential of each spouse
  • Financial contributions during the marriage

Debt and Asset Division

Divining debts and assets is crucial to reaching a fair settlement in an uncontested divorce. First, both parties must disclose all of their separate and marital assets, as well as any debt incurred during the marriage. They should then work together to agree on how to fairly divide and distribute these items, considering factors such as each person’s earning potential and contributions during the marriage.

  • Assets: real estate, investments, savings, personal belongings
  • Debts: mortgages, loans, credit card debt

Finalizing the Divorce

Once both parties have agreed upon all aspects of the divorce, the uncontested divorce can be finalized. An attorney can assist in drafting a divorce settlement agreement that reflects the couple’s decisions on child custody, spousal support, and property division. After the agreement is signed, it will be submitted to the court for approval. If the court approves the agreement, a judge will issue a decree finalizing the uncontested divorce.

Factors Influencing the Timeline

State Regulations and Backlog

Each state has its regulations and requirements, which can influence the timeline of an uncontested divorce. This includes mandatory waiting periods, residency requirements, and the steps couples must take. Additionally, some states have a backlog of cases, which can further extend the time for a divorce to be finalized.

Cooperation and Conflict Resolution

The level of cooperation between the spouses plays a significant role in determining the timeline for an uncontested divorce. For example, couples who agree on issues such as property division, child custody, and spousal support can complete their divorce more quickly. However, mediation or other conflict resolution methods may be needed if disagreements arise, which can add time to the process.

Hidden Assets and Complications

Sometimes, hidden assets or other complications may arise during the uncontested divorce. For example, one spouse may discover that their partner has concealed assets or debts, which can lead to additional time spent negotiating and addressing these issues. In addition, complications such as business ownership, retirement accounts, or tax liabilities may require expert assistance, potentially extending the timeline.

In summary, factors such as state regulations, the level of cooperation between spouses, and unforeseen complications can all influence the timeline for an uncontested divorce. While each case is unique, understanding these factors can help individuals prepare for the process and set realistic expectations for how long it may take.

Advantages of Uncontested Divorce

Cost Savings

Uncontested divorces often result in lower costs than contested divorces. Both parties can usually avoid hiring expensive attorneys or participating in a lengthy court battle. Instead, they can opt for mediators or utilize an online divorce platform to streamline the process. Couples can save on legal fees and other expenses associated with a traditional divorce process by choosing an uncontested divorce.

Reduced Stress and Conflict

Choosing an uncontested divorce can minimize stress and conflict between the involved parties. By agreeing on all aspects of the divorce, such as property division and child custody, couples can work together with a mediator or through an online divorce service to resolve their issues. This collaborative approach encourages open communication and reduces the likelihood of drawn-out legal battles or increased animosity.


In an uncontested divorce, couples can maintain a greater level of privacy than in contested divorces. Court proceedings can become a public record, potentially exposing personal and sensitive information. Couples can keep their private matters confidential by utilizing private mediators, online divorce solutions, or attorneys specializing in uncontested divorces.


The uncontested divorce process is often quicker than a contested divorce. Couples who agree on all terms can expedite the divorce process by filing the necessary paperwork and submitting it to the court. In addition, online divorce platforms and mediators can help streamline the process, allowing couples to complete their divorce promptly. This can be especially beneficial for couples who wish to move forward with their lives and minimize the disruption caused by a lengthy legal process.

When an Uncontested Divorce May Not Be Appropriate

Domestic Violence

An uncontested divorce may not be the best option in cases where domestic violence is present. The victim might feel intimidated or afraid to negotiate with the abusive partner. It could lead to unfair settlements or agreements that negatively impact the victim’s well-being and safety.

Inability to Communicate or Agree

Uncontested divorce relies on both parties’ ability to communicate effectively and reach agreements on crucial matters. If a couple cannot communicate or agree on topics such as child custody, visitation, alimony, and division of assets, an uncontested divorce may not be appropriate.

Complex Cases

Complex cases, such as those involving substantial assets or a prenuptial agreement, can be challenging to navigate and might require legal assistance. In these situations, it might be more appropriate to consider a contested divorce involving litigation and potentially a trial to reach a settlement. This ensures that both parties receive fair treatment and appropriate division of assets.

Online Divorce Services

Online divorce services have become increasingly popular for couples seeking an uncontested divorce. These services streamline the process, making it more affordable and efficient than traditional methods.

One notable platform for online divorce is 3StepDivorce. This service guides users through three simple steps, from creating an account and answering relevant questions to generating and filing their divorce paperwork. In addition, the platform’s customer support can assist with any questions or concerns.

Another reputable online divorce service is DivorceNet. This platform offers an extensive database of resources and expert advice to help couples navigate their divorce-related issues. In addition, users can easily find tailored solutions for their unique situations with a user-friendly interface and valuable information about each state’s laws.

In the case of both 3StepDivorce and DivorceNet, users can expect to benefit from the following features:

  • Guided forms and questionnaires to create accurate, state-specific divorce documents
  • Access to legal resources and expert advice
  • Up-to-date information on state laws and regulations
  • Efficient and time-saving processes compared to traditional methods

However, it’s important to note that online divorce services are best suited for uncontested divorces, where both parties agree on the terms and conditions. In contested divorce scenarios, it’s advisable to consult with a family law attorney to ensure proper representation and assistance in legal matters.


In an uncontested divorce, the involved parties agree on all aspects surrounding the dissolution of their marriage. However, the duration of this type of divorce varies depending on several factors.

The timeline’s primary factor is the mandatory waiting period implemented by different states. Some states require a specific period – ranging from a few weeks to several months – before finalizing the divorce. Individuals must familiarize themselves with their state’s laws.

Another factor is the efficiency of the legal system and its capacity to handle divorce cases. In some jurisdictions, courts may be overwhelmed with cases, resulting in a longer waiting time for an uncontested divorce. Conversely, more efficient court systems may speed up the process. Couples who engage in clear and open communication and promptly reach agreements on all aspects of their divorce, such as property division and child custody, can help to expedite the process.

Furthermore, the involvement of legal representation can also impact the duration. A competent attorney can assist in navigating the legal landscape and streamline the uncontested divorce process. Though it may incur additional costs, it can ensure that all requirements are met and expedite the completion of the divorce.

In summary, the timeline for an uncontested divorce depends on several factors, including state regulations, the legal system’s efficiency, and the parties’ ability to reach agreements. Legal representation can expedite the process, ensuring a smoother and more efficient divorce experience.


How long does an uncontested divorce take?

An uncontested divorce may take a few weeks to a few months, depending on the state and any mandatory waiting periods. For example, some states have a waiting period after filing the divorce papers, while others issue the divorce decree immediately after the waiting period has ended.

What factors can influence the timeline of an uncontested divorce?

  • State laws and requirements: Different states have varying rules and regulations regarding divorces, which can affect the length of the divorce process.
  • Court availability: The court’s workload can impact how quickly your divorce papers are processed, and a hearing is scheduled.
  • Completeness and accuracy of paperwork: Ensuring all necessary forms are completed correctly and completely can help speed up the divorce process.
  • Mandatory waiting periods: Some states require a waiting period after filing for divorce before the divorce can be finalized.

How can I speed up an uncontested divorce process?

Some steps to speed up the process include:

  • Filing the paperwork correctly and completely.
  • Ensure both parties agree on all terms, including property division and custody arrangements, to minimize the potential for dispute.
  • Resolve any outstanding issues and conflicts before filing to avoid delays.

Does an uncontested divorce require a lawyer?

While hiring a lawyer is not required for an uncontested divorce, it might be a good idea to consult with one for guidance, especially if complex issues need to be resolved.