Top Sneaky Divorce Tactics: How to Identify and Respond

When navigating the complex world of divorce, it’s crucial to be aware of sneaky divorce tactics that can potentially derail your case. One spouse may use covert tactics to gain a disproportionate benefit during the divorce proceedings. In this blog post, we’ll examine the various forms of sneaky divorce tactics, provide tips on safeguarding yourself against them, and explore their legal implications.

Our comprehensive guide covers everything from understanding what constitutes sneaky divorce tactics, learning how to shield yourself against them, and exploring their legal consequences. Additionally, we’ll discuss ways to prove your spouse has engaged in such practices and offer examples of common tactics used in contentious divorces.

Finally, you’ll learn effective responses when faced with these maneuvers and discover essential steps you should take if you suspect your spouse is employing underhanded techniques. Armed with this knowledge, you can better navigate the challenging landscape of a contested divorce while safeguarding your rights and interests.

What Are Sneaky Divorce Tactics?

Sneaky divorce tactics are underhanded strategies one spouse uses to gain an advantage over the other during the divorce process. These tactics range from hiding assets and making false allegations to delaying proceedings or manipulating emotions. These tactics usually aim to get a better result regarding child custody, spousal support, or the splitting up of marital possessions.

A. Hiding Assets

One common sneaky tactic involves hiding assets so they’re not included in the divorce settlement. This could involve transferring funds to family members, opening secret bank accounts, or undervaluing personal property.

B. Making False Allegations

Making false allegations against your spouse is another deceitful strategy some individuals use during a divorce case. Accusations may include claims of domestic violence, child abuse, or infidelity with the intent to sway court decisions on primary custody and visitation rights.

C. Delaying Proceedings

To wear down their partner emotionally and financially, some spouses will employ delay tactics throughout the divorce proceedings by repeatedly rescheduling hearings or failing to provide necessary documentation promptly.

D. Manipulating Emotions

To control their ex-partner’s decision-making process and coerce them into accepting an unfair settlement offer out-of-court, sneaky tactics may also involve emotional manipulation, such as guilt-tripping or playing the victim.

E. Serving Divorce Papers Unexpectedly

A spouse may catch their partner off-guard by serving divorce papers without prior warning or discussion, leaving the offending spouse overwhelmed and unprepared for the legal battle ahead.

It’s essential to be aware of these sneaky divorce tactics to protect yourself during this challenging time. To ensure you are prepared for any potential underhanded tactics, we will discuss how to protect yourself and what steps to take if such strategies are suspected.

Being cognizant of underhanded divorce maneuvers is essential to secure yourself and your assets during a separation. To help you keep your best interests in mind, let’s look at the various strategies for avoiding these deceptive divorce tactics.

Key Takeaway: 

Sneaky divorce tactics are manipulative strategies one spouse uses to gain an advantage during a divorce. These include hiding assets, making false allegations, delaying proceedings, manipulating emotions, and serving unexpected divorce papers. It is important for individuals going through a divorce to be aware of these tactics and take steps to protect themselves against them.

How Can You Protect Yourself From Sneaky Divorce Tactics?

Protecting yourself from sneaky divorce tactics is essential to ensure a fair outcome in your divorce case. Being alert and knowledgeable can stop your partner from exploiting you during the divorce proceedings. Here are some steps you can take to safeguard yourself against common sneaky tactics:

A. Hire an Experienced Divorce Attorney

The first step in protecting yourself is hiring an experienced divorce attorney. A knowledgeable lawyer will know the tricks spouses use during divorce proceedings and help you navigate potential pitfalls.

B. Keep Detailed Records

Maintaining thorough documentation of all financial transactions, assets, debts, and communication with your spouse is crucial for defending against hidden assets or false allegations. Maintain records of all financial transactions, assets, debts, and communication with your spouse; this should include bank statements, tax returns, property deeds, emails, text messages, and voicemails, and monitor your credit report.

C. Monitor Your Credit Report

Regularly checking your credit report can alert you to any unauthorized activity by your offending spouse that could impact your financial situation negatively during the divorce process.

D. Be Cautious With Social Media

Social media posts can be used as evidence in court cases; therefore, avoiding posting anything that may harm your case or give ammunition for false accusations is essential.

E. Stay Involved In Your Children’s Lives

If child custody arrangements are part of the dispute between you and your ex-spouse, make sure not only to maintain a strong relationship with them but also to keep records about their daily activities such as school events, medical appointments, and other important milestones. This will help counter any attempts by your spouse to gain primary custody through false allegations of neglect or abuse.

F. Seek Emotional Support

Divorce can be emotionally draining, so it’s essential to have a support system in place. Reach out to family members, friends, or professional therapists who can provide guidance and encouragement during this challenging time.

In addition to these steps, you must remain vigilant throughout the divorce process and communicate openly with your attorney about any concerns you may have regarding sneaky tactics employed by your spouse. By staying informed and proactive, you’ll be better equipped to protect yourself from unfair settlement outcomes due to underhanded strategies used by your ex-spouse.

Being cognizant of the repercussions that may arise from using sneaky divorce strategies and taking proactive measures to safeguard oneself is critical. Knowing what legal options are available if you find yourself in a situation where someone has used sneaky divorce tactics against you is essential for protecting your rights.

Key Takeaway: 

Secure yourself from questionable divorce maneuvers by engaging a proficient lawyer, noting financial activities and conversations with your ex-partner, routinely monitoring your credit report, taking care on social media platforms, maintaining involvement in your children’s lives, and looking for emotional backing. Being proactive and vigilant throughout the process can prevent unfair settlement outcomes due to underhanded strategies your ex-spouse uses.

Alienating Kids from the Other Spouse

One of the most hurtful and damaging tactics in divorce cases is to turn children against the other spouse or slowly reduce their time with their kids. The goal of this tactic is two-fold:

The Effects on Children

A child caught up in a custody battle can feel torn between parents, confused, angry, and anxious about what will happen next. When one parent uses sneaky divorce tactics like alienation, it can cause emotional harm that may last long after the legal proceedings are over.

In some cases, a child may be coached by one parent to make false allegations against another parent to gain primary custody or avoid paying child support. This type of manipulation can be especially harmful if there’s no basis for such claims.

Fighting Back Against Alienation Tactics

If you’re dealing with an ex-spouse using these dirty tricks during your divorce case or trying to rush things through without considering your financial situation correctly, it’s essential not to give up hope.

Your divorce lawyer can advocate for you when your children are being kept from you. They may even be able to turn the tables and shine a less-than-flattering light on the offending spouse in front of family members and friends while presenting evidence before court hearings.

What Are the Legal Consequences of Sneaky Divorce Tactics?

Using sneaky tactics during a divorce can lead to various legal consequences for the offending spouse. Understanding these potential repercussions and avoiding engaging in such behavior is essential. This section will discuss some expected legal consequences that may arise from employing underhanded methods during divorce proceedings.

a) Contempt of Court

If a spouse engages in sneaky tactics, such as hiding assets or providing false information, they could be found in contempt of court. Failure to comply with court orders or attempts at deceiving the court may result in legal repercussions such as fines or imprisonment.

b) Loss of Custody Rights

Making false allegations against your spouse, especially regarding child abuse or neglect, can backfire and result in losing primary custody rights. Courts prioritize children’s best interests when determining custody arrangements; thus, dishonesty about your ex-spouse’s parenting abilities might harm your chances of gaining primary custody.

c) Reduced Settlements and Support Payments

  • Hiding Assets: If caught hiding assets during divorce, you risk receiving an unfair settlement due to misrepresentation. Additionally, courts may order you to pay more spousal support as punishment for attempting deception.
  • Avoiding Child Support: Engaging in dirty tricks like temporarily quitting or working under-the-table jobs can lead courts to order higher child support payments when the truth is uncovered. Courts will impute income based on your earning capacity, not just your current financial situation.

d) Damage to Reputation and Relationships

Employing unscrupulous practices in a divorce can have far-reaching repercussions, damaging one’s standing and relationships with relatives, friends, and offspring. Employing underhanded methods during a divorce may lead others to question your integrity, making it difficult for you to move forward after the divorce process.

In summary, engaging in sneaky tactics during a divorce can have serious legal consequences that could negatively impact various aspects of your life. It is crucial to seek legal counsel from an experienced family law attorney who can guide you through the proceedings ethically and professionally while protecting your rights.

Understanding the legal consequences of sneaky divorce tactics is essential, as they can have serious implications for your case. You must provide evidence and present a strong argument in court to prove that your spouse has used such tactics.

Key Takeaway: 

Using sneaky divorce tactics can lead to legal consequences such as being found in contempt of court, losing custody rights, reduced settlements and support payments, and damaging reputation. It is essential to abstain from these practices during a divorce and get counsel from an accomplished family law lawyer who can safeguard your privileges morally and professionally.

How Can You Prove That Your Spouse Used Sneaky Divorce Tactics?

Proving that your spouse has used sneaky divorce tactics can be challenging, but ensuring a fair outcome in the divorce process is essential. You will need evidence and expert legal counsel from an experienced divorce attorney to successfully prove these tactics. Here are some steps you can take to gather evidence and build a strong case against your spouse’s underhanded actions:

  1. Gather documentation: Collect any relevant documents that may indicate sneaky behavior on the part of your spouse. This could include bank statements showing hidden assets or suspicious transactions, emails or texts discussing their plans to deceive you, or records of false accusations against you.
  2. Talk to witnesses: Speak with family members, friends, coworkers, or anyone else who might know about your spouse’s deceptive actions during the divorce proceedings. Their testimony could help strengthen your case.
  3. Hire experts: In some cases, hiring professionals such as forensic accountants or private investigators who specialize in uncovering hidden assets and other deceitful activities related to marital property division may be necessary.
  4. Maintain detailed records: Keep thorough notes about interactions with your spouse throughout the divorce process. These records can serve as valuable evidence if they attempt to delay tactics or make false allegations against you later.
  5. Contact a family law attorney: If you suspect your spouse is using sneaky tactics during the divorce process, consult an experienced family law attorney who can help you navigate the legal system and protect your rights.

It is crucial to remember that using sneaky tactics in a divorce case can lead to severe consequences for the offending spouse. If proven, these actions may result in an unfair settlement being overturned or even criminal charges. Thus, any suspicions of dishonesty should be addressed promptly and with expert counsel.

It is important to have evidence of your spouse’s sneaky divorce tactics to prove they were used. Knowing the types of sneaky tactics can help you identify them and prepare for any potential legal action. Subsequently, we will go over some illustrations of these maneuvers so that you can be cognizant if they are being employed against you.

Key Takeaway: 

To prove sneaky divorce tactics, gather documentation like bank statements and emails, talk to witnesses, hire experts such as forensic accountants or private investigators, maintain detailed records of interactions with your spouse throughout the process, and consult an experienced family law attorney. Using deceitful behavior in divorce can result in severe consequences for the offending spouse, including overturning an unfair settlement or even criminal charges.

What Are Some Examples of Sneaky Divorce Tactics?

During a divorce, some people may attempt to use sly strategies to gain the upper hand or influence the result. Here are a few common sneaky divorce tactics you should be aware of:

  1. Hiding assets: One spouse might try to conceal their financial situation by hiding assets such as bank accounts, investments, and valuable property. This can lead to an unfair settlement when it comes time for dividing marital property.
  2. Making false allegations: To gain primary custody or influence spousal support decisions, one spouse may make false accusations against the other – including claims of domestic violence, child abuse, or substance abuse.
  3. Delaying proceedings: A spouse might use delay tactics like repeatedly rescheduling court dates or failing to provide necessary documentation on time. These actions can prolong the divorce process and increase legal fees for both parties.
  4. Involving family members: Sometimes, a spouse will involve family members in sneaky tactics by asking them to lie on their behalf during court hearings or encouraging them not to cooperate with requests from your attorney.
  5. Rushing through negotiations: Another tactic is trying to rush things during negotiations so that you feel pressured into agreeing without fully understanding all aspects of your proposed agreement. This could result in unfavorable terms being included in your final divorce settlement.

If you suspect that any of these sneaky divorce tactics are being used against you during your case, you must consult with an experienced divorce attorney. They’ll be able to help you navigate the complexities of your divorce proceedings and ensure that you’re protected from any underhanded tactics.

Be mindful of any underhanded stratagems during divorce proceedings to safeguard yourself from exploitation. Knowing how to respond to these tactics can help ensure your rights are respected during a divorce.

How Can You Respond to Sneaky Divorce Tactics?

When dealing with sneaky divorce tactics, staying calm and focused on your end goal is a fair settlement that protects your interests and those of any children involved is essential. Here are some strategies for responding effectively:

A. Gather Evidence

Gathering evidence is crucial in proving your spouse’s use of sneaky tactics during a divorce. Collect documentation such as financial records, emails, text messages, or recordings that can support your claims.

B. Consult an Experienced Divorce Attorney

An experienced divorce attorney can guide you through the legal process and help you navigate any underhanded maneuvers from your spouse. They’ll also ensure that all necessary paperwork is filed correctly and advocate for a fair outcome on child custody arrangements and spousal support.

C. Stay Organized

  • Maintain detailed records of all communications with your spouse.
  • Create a timeline outlining critical events related to the marriage breakdown or any incidents involving hidden assets or false allegations.
  • Store duplicates of applicable documents in a secure location where they cannot be manipulated by relatives who may be taking the side of the culpable partner.

D. Communicate Effectively With Your Spouse

If possible, try maintaining open lines of communication with your ex-partner while avoiding confrontation over their deceitful actions during this sensitive period; doing so could potentially lead them to reveal more information about their schemes inadvertently.

Evidence-Gathering Tips:

  1. Be discreet when collecting evidence, as your spouse may become more secretive if they suspect you’re onto their tactics.
  2. Avoid violating privacy laws by not recording conversations without consent or hacking into personal accounts.

E. Consider Mediation or Collaborative Divorce

If both parties are willing to cooperate, consider alternative dispute resolution methods like collaborative divorce or mediation. These approaches can help reduce the likelihood of employing sneaky tactics and promote a more amicable resolution to the divorce case.

F. Be Prepared for Delay Tactics

Your spouse may try to prolong the divorce proceedings in hopes you’ll give up on pursuing specific claims or agree to an unfair settlement out of frustration. Stay patient and work closely with your attorney to counteract these delay tactics effectively.

Protecting yourself and maintaining your integrity throughout the process is crucial in dealing with sneaky divorce tactics. By staying organized, gathering evidence, seeking legal counsel, and considering alternative dispute resolution options where appropriate – you can move forward toward a fair outcome while minimizing any further damage caused by underhanded maneuvers from your ex-spouse.

It is important to remember that responding to sneaky divorce tactics requires careful consideration and a legal expert’s advice. If one suspects a spouse of utilizing devious divorce maneuvers, being aware of the necessary steps to take can help guarantee an ideal result for everyone included.

Key Takeaway: 

Staying calm and focused on your end goal is important when dealing with sneaky divorce tactics. Responding effectively includes gathering evidence, consulting an experienced divorce attorney, staying organized, communicating effectively with your spouse, considering alternative dispute resolution methods like mediation or collaborative divorce, and being prepared for delay tactics.

What Should You Do If You Suspect Your Spouse Is Using Sneaky Divorce Tactics?

If you suspect your spouse is using sneaky divorce tactics, taking action immediately is crucial to protect yourself and ensure a fair outcome in the divorce process. Here are some steps you should consider taking:

  1. Gather evidence: Start collecting any documentation or evidence that supports your suspicions of sneaky tactics being used by your spouse. Gather any evidence that could support your suspicions, such as financial records, emails, text messages, or recordings of conversations.
  2. Hire an experienced divorce attorney: An experienced divorce attorney will be familiar with common sneaky divorce tactics and can help guide you through the legal process while protecting your interests.
  3. Discuss your concerns with your attorney: Be open and honest about what you believe is happening regarding the offending spouse’s behavior. Your lawyer can advise on how to address these issues during the proceedings.
  4. Request full disclosure from your spouse: In many jurisdictions, both parties must provide full financial disclosure during a divorce case. If you suspect hidden assets or other deceptive practices, ask for complete transparency regarding all marital property and income sources.
  5. Avoid making false allegations yourself: While it might be tempting to fight fire with fire when dealing with an unscrupulous ex-spouse who uses dirty tricks like making false accusations against their partner, remember that doing so could backfire on you legally if found out later.

In addition to following these steps above, ensure not to let emotions get better judgment during this challenging time; remain focused on achieving a fair settlement for both parties involved. Remember: knowledge power. Gain knowledge of family law and the divorce process to be prepared for any potential strategies your partner may utilize to get a lopsided outcome.

If you suspect that your partner is resorting to unethical tactics to gain an unfair advantage in your divorce case, it’s crucial to seek legal guidance as soon as possible. This will protect not only your own rights but also those of your children (if any) throughout the challenging and emotionally taxing process.

Key Takeaway: 

If you suspect your spouse is using sneaky divorce tactics, take immediate action to protect yourself and ensure a fair outcome. Gather evidence, hire an experienced divorce attorney, discuss your concerns with them openly, request full disclosure from your spouse, and avoid making false allegations yourself. Remember that knowledge is power – educate yourself about family law and the divorce process so you can handle any sneaky tactics your spouse employs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are unethical divorce tactics?

Unethical divorce tactics are actions a spouse takes that violate legal or moral standards during the divorce process. These may include hiding assets, making false accusations of abuse, manipulating children against the other parent, and intentionally delaying proceedings to increase the financial strain on the other party. Engaging in such tactics can have serious legal consequences.

What is the starving-out tactic?

The “starving out” tactic occurs when one spouse deliberately withholds financial support from the other during a divorce to pressure the into accepting unfavorable terms. This can involve cutting off access to joint accounts or refusing to pay alimony or child support until they agree on specific conditions set by the withholding party.

What does a messy divorce look like?

A messy divorce typically involves high levels of conflict between spouses, lengthy court battles over property division and custody arrangements, and frequent use of manipulative behaviors such as lying about finances or fabricating allegations against each other. It often leaves both parties emotionally drained and financially burdened due to excessive legal fees.


Divorce can be a complex and taxing experience, but when one partner resorts to sly strategies, it may make the situation even more troublesome. In this article, we’ve discussed the various sneaky divorce tactics that may be used, how to protect yourself from them, any legal consequences, and what steps you can take if your spouse is suspected of employing such tactics.

To ensure a smooth divorce process, one must be aware of sneaky tactics and take steps to prevent or address them. Remember that seeking legal advice from an experienced attorney is always a good idea if you face divorce-related issues.