How Long Should Your Legal Landing Page Be?

The argument surrounding the length of landing pages has been around for years now. You will hear several opinions about whether longer or shorter landing pages convert better. However, the answer isn’t as simple as you may think because, in the end, it depends on several factors.

Finding the Ideal Landing Page Word Count

After studying 1,000 landing pages, researchers concluded that the average landing page consisted of 2,000 words. Interestingly, they also found that the most effective were approximately 500 words long.

Your ideal landing page word count will always depend on your end goal and the information you want to give your website visitors. Since every law firm is different, let’s look at the factors you need to consider.

Offering Reassurances to Visitor Objections

According to marketers, landing pages with successful conversions usually answer visitor objections. Whether you will use text, videos, or testimonials, they must be there for a reason, and the most important reason is to address concerns.

You cannot address these concerns before knowing what they are, which is why a survey is essential. Use a survey tool to find out why visitors didn’t follow up on your page, what else they want you to inform them about, and what they need you to do to convince them about your legal abilities.

People are very eager to share their views, so before you know it, you will have responses. Once you know their objections, go ahead and provide the answer. The more “objections” you need to respond to, the more the answers, so it is okay if your page must be longer. Like a safe payment method, some objections can be responded to by adding a symbol, but others need some text.

What Do You Ask Visitors on Your Landing Page?

Law firms usually need some foundational content to convert visitors and get them to pick up the phone to book a consultation, which is quite a daunting task for most people seeking legal counsel. On the other hand, if you are selling an ebook on a specific legal issue, the only detail required is their email, which is always easier information to divulge.

Therefore, the more of a connection you need to build, the longer your landing page must be.

Break Up Your Landing Page

Visitors like to take small steps as they commit to buying a product or service. For example, companies selling things do it as they take their customers through the checkout and payment process after adding items to their cart. The research behind this is that if you ask people too quickly to give you their email or contact details, you will have less success in converting them.

Tips for Creating A Great Landing Page

When creating your landing page, whether short or long, the goal is conversion above all else. Here are some tips to remember:

  • Simplicity should be your goal, so try to stick to your landing page basics. Too many navigational options make it hard for visitors to look for the information they require. The more complicated things are, the lower the conversion rates become.
  • Images or videos can often describe the legal services you provide better than words. They also help to reduce the length of your landing page.
  • Grab people’s attention within a few seconds of landing on your page by making sure to address their objections.
  • Include previous case results to prove you have experience and a good record.
  • Personalize the message on your landing page by writing in the first person.

Final Word

Ideally, your landing page should be about 500 words, but whether you need a long or short landing page depends on the issues you need to address. Most importantly, remember your firm’s message needs to be consistent, so make sure the headline of your landing page is not substantially different from the ad that got visitors there.