9 Strategies for Maintaining Client Trust During Protracted Legal Battles

We sought insights from legal professionals, specifically attorneys, to shed light on the strategies for maintaining client trust during protracted legal battles. From maintaining open and frequent communication to setting realistic expectations, here are the nine effective strategies they shared.

  • Maintain Open and Frequent Communication
  • Clarify Complex Legal Processes
  • Establish Clear Expectations and Consistency
  • Implement the Forecast and Follow-up Strategy
  • Offer Regular Updates and Alternative Methods
  • Keep Clients Informed and Address Concerns
  • Demonstrate Legal Knowledge and Professionalism
  • Provide Empathetic Support and Guidance
  • Set Realistic Expectations from the Start

Maintain Open and Frequent Communication

Open and frequent communication! This does not mean calling your client every day but rather regularly updating them on any developments in their case, answering their questions promptly and honestly, and being forthcoming about potential challenges or setbacks.

A client is more likely to trust a transparent and communicative lawyer rather than one who keeps them in the dark or sugarcoats the reality of their situation. Clear, honest communication can help manage your client’s expectations, build trust, and maintain a strong attorney-client relationship, even during complex, drawn-out legal battles.

Claire Melehani, Attorney, Gates Eisenhart Dawson

Clarify Complex Legal Processes

Consistent and transparent communication is one effective strategy for maintaining client trust during protracted legal battles. Litigation can be a long and complex process, often laden with technical jargon and procedural nuances that the average client may find challenging to comprehend.

Therefore, breaking down each process step is essential, explaining the implications and potential outcomes in simple, clear language. Regular updates on the case’s progress are also provided, ensuring clients are always informed about the latest developments. This approach keeps them abreast of their case and reassures them that their interests are actively pursued, fostering trust and confidence.

Rick C., Licensed Paralegal and Legal Assistant – Kahlon Law

Establish Clear Expectations and Consistency

Protracted legal battles can tax the client, and ensuring that the client feels you are doing your best is important. The key ways to do this are to be transparent and have clear, consistent communication.

From the beginning, establish a communication schedule to check in and provide updates to your client. This will reassure your client and help with any stress they may have. Address any inquiries or concerns your client may have promptly. Be honest with your client about the case’s developments, including potential challenges.

When discussing things with your client, be as transparent as possible. Make sure you explain any legal jargon or concepts that may be hard to understand and be upfront about the strengths and weaknesses of their case. You must keep your client consistently informed on any unexpected proceedings in the case and how this may impact your legal strategy.

Sina Bakhtiari, Legal Consultant, 3a Law Management

Implement the Forecast and Follow-up Strategy

From my years as a personal injury attorney, one often-overlooked strategy for maintaining client trust during extended legal battles that worked for me is “Forecast and Follow-up.

Legal procedures can be long and draining, full of ups and downs that can confuse even the most patient client. Providing a timeline or roadmap of what to expect—complete with milestones and potential setbacks—help set clear expectations immediately.

After laying out this roadmap, the key is in the follow-up. Every time we hit a milestone or encounter a setback, we must refer to our initial forecast. This not only shows that we are progressing as expected but also reassures the client that we are still on course, even when things feel slow or stagnant.

Alex Freeburg, Owner, Freeburg Law

Offer Regular Updates and Alternative Methods

Consistent and transparent communication is one effective strategy for maintaining client trust during protracted legal battles. It’s essential to keep clients informed about the progress of their cases, even if there are no significant updates.

Regularly scheduled updates, simple explanations of legal processes, and realistic expectations help clients feel more in control and less anxious about the prolonged nature of the legal battle. Additionally, offering alternative dispute-resolution methods when appropriate can show a commitment to resolving matters efficiently, bolstering client confidence and trust in your legal services.

Aaron Cohen, Marketing Director, Michael Edwards Solicitors

Keep Clients Informed and Address Concerns

Consistent and transparent communication is one effective strategy for maintaining client trust during protracted legal battles.

It’s essential to keep clients informed about every development in their case, even if it seems minor. This ensures they are always in the loop and demonstrates that you are actively working on their behalf. Additionally, setting realistic expectations from the outset can prevent potential disappointments. Being honest about potential outcomes, timelines, and challenges is crucial.

Last, always be available to address any concerns or questions they might have. A client who feels heard and understood is more likely to maintain trust in their legal representative, even when the legal process becomes lengthy or challenging.

Lyle Solomon, Principal Attorney, Oak View Law Group

Demonstrate Legal Knowledge and Professionalism

If you want to keep your client’s trust, you need to demonstrate your legal knowledge and professionalism continually. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the case’s intricacies, legal precedents, and strategies. Maintain a proactive approach to your research, investigations, and document production.

When clients see your unwavering commitment and skill, they are more likely to trust your advice. Keep them updated on your attempts to progress their case, reinforcing that their interests come first. This proactive strategy ensures them you are doing everything possible to navigate the protracted legal struggle properly.

Tiffany Hafler, Marketing Coordinator, Blockchain Lawyer

Provide Empathetic Support and Guidance

In my experience, legal battles can be emotionally draining for clients. Beyond legal expertise, provide compassionate support. Listen actively to their concerns, fears, and frustrations. Create a secure area for them to vent and express their emotions. Provide coping skills and resources to assist them in dealing with stress.

By acknowledging their feelings and offering emotional support, you not only create trust but also deepen your client-attorney connection. Clients who feel understood and supported during lengthy legal battles are more likely to retain faith in your abilities and devotion to their cause.

Tim Allen, Director, Oberheiden P.C.

Set Realistic Expectations from the Start

Set realistic expectations from the start, in my opinion. Define the probable timeline for the legal battle and control your client’s outcomes and expectations. Present multiple situations and their associated dangers so that the client can make educated judgments.

By presenting a fair viewpoint, you display honesty and avoid future disappointment. Reassure them that you are committed to obtaining the best possible conclusion within the restrictions of the legal system, and that you understand that legal battles sometimes go on for a long time.

Cindi Keller, Communications Coordinator, The Criminal Defense Firm

After receiving a plethora of insightful tips from legal experts, let’s explore how to seamlessly implement their advice.

Unpacking the Gavel: Practical Ways to Implement Expert Advice

Alright, you’ve heard from the pros. Now, how do you translate all this wisdom into concrete actions? Let’s break down these expert strategies into digestible, actionable steps:

1. Maintain Open and Frequent Communication

  • Schedule Regular Updates: Set a recurring meeting or call with your client to catch up on the case’s latest developments.
  • Be Accessible: Make it easy for clients to reach you through various channels—email, phone, and maybe even a client portal.
  • Tip: Use simple project management software to track communication history and updates, making information retrieval effortless for you and the client.

2. Clarify Complex Legal Processes

  • Jargon-Free Language: Swap out legal jargon for simpler terms when discussing the case.
  • Educate: Provide clients with an easy-to-understand guide or FAQ about the legal process.
  • Tip: Creating explainer videos or infographics can be a visually engaging way to clarify intricate matters.

3. Establish Clear Expectations and Consistency

  • Set Milestones: Clearly outline the anticipated steps and timeline of the legal process.
  • Constantly Reassure: Always recap progress against the original expectations to reassure clients.

4. Implement the Forecast and Follow-up Strategy

  • Initial Roadmap: Present a visual timeline or roadmap early on, identifying possible milestones and setbacks.
  • Follow-up: Refer back to the initial forecast every time a milestone is hit or missed.

5. Offer Regular Updates and Alternative Methods

  • Consistent Check-ins: Even without major updates, keep the line of communication open.
  • Alternative Solutions: Discuss other routes to a solution, like mediation, when appropriate.

6. Keep Clients Informed and Address Concerns

  • Immediate Updates: If there’s a development, communicate it ASAP.
  • Accessibility: Always make time to address client questions or concerns.

7. Demonstrate Legal Knowledge and Professionalism

  • Up-to-date Information: Continuously update clients on your efforts, from research to court filings.
  • Showcase Expertise: Share valuable insights and articles that reflect your professional knowledge and skills.

8. Provide Empathetic Support and Guidance

  • Active Listening: Always listen before speaking, validating your client’s emotions.
  • Resource Sharing: Offer external resources for emotional support, like counseling services.

9. Set Realistic Expectations from the Start

  • Multiple Scenarios: Discuss best-case, likely, and worst-case scenarios.
  • Realistic Goals: Align client expectations with the realistic boundaries of the legal system.

By incorporating these actionable tips into your routine, you’ll be more than ready to maintain a robust and trusting relationship with your clients throughout the labyrinthine journey of legal battles. Cheers to being the attorney every client dreams of having by their side!


Editors note: These are all real quotes that have been proofread for grammar and clarity.