How to Build a Strong Criminal Defense Case – 4 Steps to Follow

Facing criminal charges can be a harrowing experience when you know that your life, future, freedom, reputation, and finances are on the line. As soon as you’re arrested or think you could get accused of a crime, you should start taking steps to build a robust defense. And the first thing to do is contact an experienced criminal defense attorney. The sooner you retain legal representation, the higher your chances of coming out of the situation unscathed. Read ahead for some detailed info on how to proceed.

Start Building a Defense Strategy 

Don’t wait until you’re arrested to start building a narrative. Your lawyer will create a compelling story about the sequence of events from your perspective. The objective here is to present adequate proof of your innocence in court that will compel jurors to return the not-guilty verdict. If you get arrested, follow the directions given by the law officers and remain silent. Don’t try to talk your way out of the situation, but request politely to be allowed to speak to your lawyer. Any statement you give “can and will be used against you in a court of law.”

Gather All the Evidence No Matter How Irrelevant

Collect every piece of evidence, whether objects, photos of the scene, videos, audio clips, and social media posts. Gathering footage from cameras on the site, alleged weapons, and phone records can also help your case. Law firms typically have trained investigators on board who will put together material and exculpatory evidence. They’ll also interview witnesses and request the police officers to provide copies of their reports. If you can think of any detail, regardless of how irrelevant it may seem, make sure to let your lawyers know.

Rely on Your Lawyer to Know the Law

Once they have the facts in hand, your attorney will start building a criminal defense. They may scour records of similar cases and study them for information about the relevant criminal codes they can invoke. Researching how the trials progressed and the expected outcomes can also help plan their next steps. Knowing how to leverage statutes can go a long way in projecting you as a human being and law-abiding citizen who is mistakenly involved in a sticky situation. 

Getting Witnesses to Testify

Witness testimonials can go a long way in proving your innocence. Aside from subpoenas to people present at the scene, lawyers call in character witnesses and experts who specialize in psychology, forensics, or healthcare to provide their opinions on the case. In addition, trial consultants can assist in creating a defense strategy, while jury consultants offer valuable insights into how jury members may react to the evidence presented at the hearings. 

Devising a robust criminal strategy involves many intricacies and in-depth knowledge of legal statutes and how the law works. Your best bet is to rely on the expertise of an experienced lawyer to resolve the situation in your favor.