The Pros and Cons of Using Pay-Per-Click Marketing for Attorneys

Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing allows you to advertise your law firm to online searchers of legal services. With PPC, you create a targeted ad and then bid on the keywords to target potential clients. Your ad appears on the search results page when these potential clients search the targeted words.

Since you only pay every time a potential customer clicks on your ad, PPC advertising allows you to attract clients effectively and cost-effectively. The challenges of managing a successful PPC campaign include choosing the right keywords and creating a targeted campaign. After that, you need to bid on the keywords.

Whether you do this yourself or use a marketing agency doesn’t matter, but you must ensure that you target the keywords your prospective customers are searching for when looking for your legal services.

Pros and Cons of Pay-Per-Click Marketing for Attorneys

When run correctly, PPC campaigns can help your law firm stand out online. Moreover, as opposed to building organic traffic, PPC requires far less time. However, using PPC as an attorney has some pros and cons. Let’s take a closer look at both.

PPC Pros for Attorneys


Quick results – With PPC campaigns, you don’t have to wait for the next newspaper or magazine edition for potential clients to see the campaign. Instead, getting them up and running is easy and quick, immediately providing the potential to generate traffic to your website and leads. The amplified traffic to your website will also help your organic rankings over time.

Targeted marketing – Traditional advertising methods do not allow you to target specific market segments. You target a general audience and hope that some will view your advertisement. With targeted marketing like PPC, internet users within particular market segments see your ad when searching for the legal services you provide. Moreover, these users have already passed to the lower parts of the sales funnel, meaning they are ready to purchase your legal services.

Furthermore, PPC requires the integration of search engine optimization (SEO), including the use of targeted keywords. Therefore, you’re reaching only the people searching for your legal services, making PPC advertising extremely cost-effective for promoting your legal company.

High flexibility – Your PPC campaign is designed to appeal to the online habits of specific users and search engine algorithms. However, since both of these can change, PPC advertising allows you to make swift changes to ensure the effective use of your keywords. In addition, the high flexibility to make changes prevents wasteful spending when reaching out to your targeted audience.

Effective data collection – One of the most significant pros of a PPC campaign is the ability to collect abundant information, allowing you to optimize the ROI of your campaigns. Some info that provides vital insights includes each campaign’s impressions, clicks, and conversions. In addition, data collection and A/B testing give feedback that allows you to refine campaigns as required, ensuring they perform at their peak.

Additionally, thanks to the available data, you can retarget those who visited your website with more ads, increasing the chances of converting them.

Income outweighs PPC costs – Keywords for some legal specialties are expensive, but you provide essential legal services to companies and individuals as an attorney. However, considering your firm’s revenue from a client, the acquisition cost is not high. In addition, since most people use the internet to find legal representation, an optimized campaign can increase your clientele, and the income from these will outweigh the cost of the PPC campaign.

PPC Cons for Attorneys

Yes, there are some cons to pay-per-click campaigns. These include the following:

Severely competitive – Unfortunately, legal industry keywords have a high cost per click. Lots of these words currently exceed $100, with some surpassing $700. Therefore, smaller legal practices may struggle to find economical keywords. Look for less competitive keywords, but make sure they are the right ones that will bring you clicks and conversions. Search for longer phrases since they are less competitive and combine them for maximum effect.

Besides your keyword research, you must also create the buyer personas that make up your ideal clients to provide the narrative for the right audience. As with most businesses, law firms have multiple buyer personas.

Time management needed – Once you set up a PPC campaign, you cannot ignore it. You must monitor and adjust it until you are satisfied that it’s working hard for you. If you don’t have the time to manage a campaign or a capable person in your office, allowing a marketing company to oversee it may be better.

Specific requirements for setting up a campaign – Before starting a PPC campaign, you will need the following:

  • A website complying with the standards of the search engine for PPC
  • The correct ad copy for the sales funnel
  • Nicely designed creatives
  • An easy-to-navigate website optimized for speed and conversion
  • Optimize your site for mobile searches
  • Improve on your competitor’s marketing efforts, but make sure you still appeal to your audience

Results aren’t guaranteed – Finally when a prospective client clicks on the link in your PPC ad, there is no guarantee that they will follow up and request your services. Successful PPC campaigns require the right keywords and a lot of testing, so you need someone who has marketing skills to ensure it succeeds. Additionally, many people skip the ads, preferring to see the organic listings.

It’s vital to ensure that your ads are better than your competitors. See what they are doing and what appeals to your audiences before creating them. Please don’t copy what they are doing; look for ways to improve your copy and visual material.

Tips for Successful Attorney PPC Marketing

·       Conduct keyword research to identify words and phrases that will attract the right audience.

·       Monitor your campaign closely, checking stats daily or weekly, depending on your market’s competitiveness.

·       Split-test different versions of ads to determine which works best.

·       Create buyer personas to ensure you appeal to the right audiences.

·       Analyze competitors’ campaigns and look for ways to improve yours while still appealing to your audiences.

·       Optimize all creative elements, including copy, visuals, and landing pages.

Pay-per-click marketing can be a great way for attorneys to expand their clientele and generate more revenue. However, you must know the pros and cons of attorney PPC marketing before starting a campaign. Be sure to follow these tips to ensure that your campaign is successful. With the right setup and management, pay-per-click can increase your law firm’s revenues.

With an understanding of the benefits and drawbacks, attorney PPC marketing can be a valuable tool for acquiring new clients, generating leads, and growing your practice. As with any other marketing endeavor, it’s important to weigh the risks against the potential reward when considering if this type of campaign is right for you. If done correctly, PPC could have a long-term positive return on your investment.

Strategies for attorney pay-per-click marketing

1. Keyword research – It is essential to find the right keywords that lead to the search

2. Analyzing competitors’ campaigns – Knowing what your competition is doing helps you stay ahead of the curve and be more effective with your PPC ad strategy. Many tools can help with that, particularly SEM rush. Ahrefs can also show you their keywords.

3. Split-testing different versions of ads – This helps determine which version performs best and increases the chances of success.

4. Optimize all creative elements – Copy, visuals, and landing pages must be optimized for maximum results.

5. Monitor stats daily or weekly – Depending on how competitive the market is, keeping an eye on stats allows you to make timely adjustments when needed.

6. Create buyer personas – Identifying the right audience ensures that your message resonates with them, and they are more likely to convert.

Reducing Costs of Attorney Per Click Marketing

1. Bid only on relevant keywords – This helps keep costs down and ensures you target the right audience.

2. Monitor your budget closely – Set a daily/monthly budget limit to ensure you don’t overspend on PPC campaigns.

3. Utilize negative keywords – Adding irrelevant terms as negative keywords will save you money by excluding people who are not interested in your services.

4. Use remarketing strategies – Retargeting ads reach potential customers who have already visited your website or shown an interest in your product or service, resulting in higher conversion rates and lower costs per click.

5. Regularly review ad performance – Doing this allows you to make any necessary changes to improve your campaigns and reduce costs.

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Your Campaigns

The pros of working with an agency to manage your PPC marketing campaigns include access to a team of experts who can leverage their knowledge and experience to provide customized strategies tailored to each client’s needs. Agencies also have the resources to create optimized creatives, use less competitive long-tail keywords, and combine them for maximum effect. Working with an agency can also save time by allowing you to focus on other business matters while they take care of your firm’s online presence.

However, some drawbacks are associated with using agencies for PPC marketing, such as cost and competition for keywords. Additionally, there is no guarantee that people will click on your ad or follow up with you. Lastly, it is important to make sure that you find a reliable and reputable agency that will deliver successful results.

Working with an agency for pay-per-click marketing can benefit you if you choose the right partner. GR0 is one such agency that specializes in pay-per-click marketing for attorneys and law firms. They are known for being among the industry’s most skilled media buyers and digital marketers while providing customized strategies tailored to each unique client’s needs. When done correctly with professionals such as GR0, pay-per-click advertising can be an effective marketing tool that lets you connect directly with people searching for your specialized legal services.

Final Take

Pay-per-click advertising provides excellent lead generation when done correctly. But, of course, your geographic location, specialization, and keywords will determine the cost of PPC. Still, it is an effective marketing tool for attorneys because it allows you to connect directly with people searching for your specialized legal services at that moment.

Unless you know to create the perfect campaign, it’s best to ask a professional marketer to help ensure you use this cost-efficient and result-offering marketing tool advantageously.